Angle Orthod. 2020 Mar;90(2):305-313. doi: 10.2319/080218-559.1. Epub 2019 Mar 12.


This case shows that using a rapid palatal expander (RPE) and then a pendulum appliance anchored to palatal miniscrews is an option for improving treatment management in a noncompliant patient requiring maxillary expansion and molar distalization in the late mixed dentition. First, an RPE was used to expand the maxillary arch. Then, a modified pendulum appliance was used to distalize the maxillary first permanent molars. Optimal positioning of two palatal miniscrews enabled both appliances to be supported by skeletal anchorage. Treatment was finished using multibracket fixed appliances, and after 2 years, skeletal Class I as well as dental Class I canine and molar relationships were achieved.

PMID:30860863 | PMC:PMC8051236 | DOI:10.2319/080218-559.1